Krab Salad with Spicy Mayo

Krab Salad with Spicy Mayo

Krab salad with spicy mayo makes for a wonderful appetizer or light entrée. It’s made from imitation krab sticks, which are composed of precooked fish with crab flavoring. Krab sticks have a slightly sweet taste with a hint of crab. They’re low in fat, easy to prepare, and inexpensive, making them an excellent item to have on hand. If you’ve ever tried a California roll, then you’ve had imitation krab.

Imitation Krab, krab sticks, imitation crab, krab salad, crab salad

The spicy mayo adds a nice kick to the subtly sweet krab. The krab’s delicate texture, which mimics actual crabmeat, gives the meal an airy lightness, balanced with the richness of Japanese mayo. The spicy zest of the mayo and the thick, sweet eel sauce add waves of flavor to this salad and really takes it to the next level.

Spicy Mayo, Kewpie, Japanese mayo, SrirachaFeatured Ingredient: Spicy Mayo

This ingredient is pretty self-explanatory; it’s mayonnaise with chili sauce and a hint of lemon. I’m featuring spicy mayo because it’s an underused condiment. But once you’ve tried it, you’ll realize how versatile it is and want to add it your arsenal.

Japanese mayo is richer than American mayo due to the use of egg yolks rather than whole eggs. It’s also sweeter because it uses rice or apple cider vinegar instead of distilled vinegar. The difference is noticeable: it’s creamier and sweeter. However, spicy mayo made with American mayo still yields a delicious result.

I like an equal ratio of mayo and chili sauce; the ratios can be altered according to taste.

Uses: krab salad, on sushi rolls, on sandwiches and burgers, over rice or noodles, etc.

krab salad, imitation krab, crab salad, Japanese mayo, spicy mayo, sriracha

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Krab Salad with Spicy Mayo

Serves 2
Krab salad with spicy mayo. A light and spicy appetizer.


  • 12 Ounces imitation crabmeat
  • 4 Tablespoons Japanese mayo (or regular mayo)
  • 1/4 cup Sriracha chili sauce
  • 1/4 cup Japanese mayo (or regular mayo)
  • 1 1/3 Tablespoons lemon juice (1 tablespoon + 1 teaspoon lemon juice)
  • Eel sauce (optional)


Spicy Mayo
Step 1
Combine Japanese mayo (¼ cup), Sriracha and lemon juice. Mix until uniform throughout. Pour into condiment bottle or leave in bowl.
Krab Salad
Step 2
Finely chop the imitation krab. Mix in 4 tablespoons Japanese mayo. Transfer krab salad to two plates and drizzle spicy mayo and eel sauce over top.

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